
Showing posts from 2007

New Year's Day

So I abso-fuckin-lutely love Bedouin Soundclash . They are amazing live and they have so much energy and they're really appreciative of their fans. I've been trying desperately to track down their first disc, Root Fire, to no avail (isn't the saying "to no avail" just the funniest thing? I've been trying to incorporate it into my vocab as of late... it's just so fun to say it!) Anywhoodle, my musings (or rather addiction) on youtube found me this beautiful nugget of greatness.


I wonder if my life has already been planned out.   Does somebody somewhere, out in the great wide world, know what will become of me? Will I achieve my lifelong ambitions? Will I meet a nice boy (not too tall, dark haired, dark eyed, sweet lipped) who will make me want to trust? Will I go to Brazil, surf in Rio’s salty waters and learn to be adventurous, independent, courageous?   Is there a higher power who has decided my future for me?   Why is it that these questions plague my mind late at night? Why is it harder for me to have faith in myself, in the fairness of life, when the world is quiet? Does anything really come out of these late night musings other than a complete and total feeling of dread?   I have been blessed. I have been loved. I have learned to guard my heart but not my body. I have learned that ignorance is bliss, and I intend to live in conjunction with this belief. But please, somebody somewhere, out in the great wide world, give me the comfort th...


My mind's really weird. I'll think one thing one minute, and the next it's as if there's a total stranger wandering around in my brain. I've heard we're all a bit like that. Weird, non? That's why I've decided to keep this blog. We're all weird. So if you can't shut your brain off at night, or you're just as confused by yourself as I am by me (if that makes any sense!), I welcome you to read on and tell me off, agree with me, whatevs. CIAO!