
Showing posts from August, 2010

Yeah... I'm actually NOT okay

This is a pretty personal blog entry, but here goes. [Besides, this is more therapy than anything, seeing as most of the people that frequent this blog have zero clue as to what I'm talking about.] I feel like I made a huge mistake last week. Sure I was pissed and annoyed and just overwhelmed by all of the drama in my "second-life", but should I have confronted him like that? The more I think about it, the guiltier I feel. I'm not, in any way, shape or form, defending him because he was mostly egotistical and rude and overbearing, but I gave up my writership and, well, I lost a friend. I told him I didn't want to associate with him and while that's true, I can't help but miss squee'ing over the newest pieces of information we've gotten. And adding to that, I feel like one big disloyal traitor... If there's one emotion I hate more than humiliation, it's guilt. Sure this was all born from humiliation (the humiliation that he was s...


I tend to be a homebody. I've had the same group of friends since I was 12 (same BEST friend since I was six). I am perceived as a bubbly, caring person. Most people don't realize that I'm shy until they see me around a cute boy (trufax and yes, very pathetic). But right now, seeing that all of my friends are moving out or are getting married or engaged, I feel very alone. Like everyone's crossed the finish line and I'm only on my first lap. It's tiring and I know it has everything to do with the fact that I'm going through yet another quarter-life crisis, but I really can't help it. Life is suffocating me and I need out. Only a few more thousand dollars to go and I can move to Montreal.

I know it's stupid, but...

I'm a huge geek. Having said that, I'm going to 'fess up to the fact that I'm now involved in forums. Having said THAT, I'm going to admit to the fact that I post frequently in one forum in particular. Now that that's out of the way, I'm going to confess to the fact that I write a weekly "column" of sorts that is quite popular in a certain fandom. We average about 20'000 views per post, which is pretty awesome, considering how big our fandom is. Anyway, I fought with my co-writer and basically quit. Now, he's gone and deleted the entire thread--something that proved I am still capable of writing. I know this makes no sense, but I just wanted to write this out because my heart is literally broken. I know it's stupid, but... what he did hurt. More than I think he even realizes.

Sydney - the second time

Brisbane - the second time


Mount Isa

Scary hostel, deadly mosquitoes and dingoes. Those are a few defining things from the Isa. That and creepy Swedes...

Cairns, Port Douglas, Cape Tribulation and Kuranda

I'm obsessed with mountains. And also trees.

Brisbane, Australia - the first time around

Holding a koala is like holding a sleeping baby. You hold it lightly, as though you're afraid of waking it, but you can't help but feel awestruck by how adorable it is. Koalas are my newest obsession.

Sydney, Australia - the first time around

Going to Australia has always been a dream of mine. Watching Wicked LIVE has always been one of my "secret hopes". Having realized both of these things...? It feels like I accomplished something life altering. Y'know?