
Showing posts from July, 2011

Not Really A Nightmare

Usually, I dream of people I've seen once in my life. It's random stories not really belonging to me, and only sometimes, do I make a cameo appearance in my own dreams. It's always been this way. Once, I even watched Disney's The Jungle Book in its entirety as I slept. My dreams are just... random. There was a time in my youth when I was boy crazy; every boy, man, dude that crossed my path was carefully regarded and studied. I just really liked looking at them. As creepy as that sounds. So it follows that I would crush on several men in my lifetime. Feel the rush of seeing them, replaying our encounters like a never-ending loop. But I have fallen in love twice. A product, I'm sure, of my propensity for "boy craziness", combined with my annoying ability to form sentimental attachments to anyone who's open and earnest. And of those countless crushes and two men whom I've loved, I've only dreamed of one; but the sad thing is, my dreams unsettle me...

It's easier to live in a world of fiction, than admit that your life is, well, crap.

Funny how, while you may not particularly value someone's opinion, when they voice a negative opinion of you, it still hurts.

I've had an incredibly great day today. I've felt happy and full and thankful . The rain tends to do that to me. It's been raining all day and my smile has kept growing with every gust of wind, every drop of rain... Something about rainfall relaxes me. So while I'm incredibly annoyed at my brother-in-law, I can't deny that I'm happy. But, just because I'm happy doesn't mean I'll soon forget his words. Oh, boo.