So September 5 was first Him's birthday. That's was why I was all emo thinking about "His" song and all that.** It amazes me, actually, how much space he occupies in my head. I truly don't understand how someone who, for all intents and purposes, was a blip in my life -- a mere plot point -- can still mean so much to me. Even now, years later, when I'm fairly stable and extremely happy and and and and just excited for the future, He's just... there. It's not right or fair to me. And yet I can't stop myself from remembering the exact shade of his eyes, or the way he tied his shoes -- much less the way I felt when things were exciting and happy and my gullible soul fooled my willing mind into believing that he cared about me just as much as I cared for him. Ah, to be young and stupid again. To believe in earnest that all we needed for our story's happy ending was the right timing. I mean, I knew we both felt something. I knew we both cared ab...