memento: an object or item that serves to remind one of a person, past event, etc.; keepsake; souvenir.
I'm so happy I live in a time where cameras are fairly standard; I mean, some people have a fancy camera that they use for documenting travels or family holidays, but the majority of cell phone users have another, more easy-to-use camera on their mobile phones. And the quality of the shots you take on your camera phone is improving with every new smartphone that comes out. I document my outings with friends so that we can have a small glimpse of those happy moments preserved for time. I photograph my nieces and nephew so that they can remember how happy their childhood was. The reason I document those moments when I'm most happy, is so I can re-live those happy occasions time and again. Photographs are frozen memories; how I long to live in one, re-living the happiness I felt day in and out. Thirteen years ago, I came to the realization that my parents have only a handful pictures of me as a baby. I was hurt, to be honest, because it seemed as though my parents couldn't...