
Showing posts from April, 2017

April 2017

March was kind of a bust, but it did reinforce one thing to me: I have the most supportive, loving, and kind-hearted people in my life. Thank you, family and friends. (I feel that I don't say it often enough.) Now that we're 10 days into April, I'm thinking that 2017 is kind of, sort of, maybe, possibly getting better. (I think.) It's not easy for me to ask for help, but you've all come through for me.  I know you guys don't follow this blog, but I hope you know that everything you've done for me has meant the world to me. I appreciate you all and I thank you for your love and understanding. Thank you.  #MotivationMonday  #IJustNeededAnExcuseToPostThisPictureOfAFlowerHeHe