I was in Toronto on Friday for the NXNE Dine Alone Showcase. Damn! Dine Alone music is the best in the world! Bar none.

So the day started off with me going to the bank because my damn access card wasn't working. Not fun.
Then I went to the metro station near my house to go to the "Gare Central" to get to Toronto on the Via Rail train. The lady I asked really had no clue what she was saying, but was nice enough to give me a metro map. Yay, Montreal hospitality. They're so nice in this city!
So anyway, I get on the metro and five hours later... I'm in Toronto at this motel. It was so cheap and so nice and SO fucking close to everything. I literally walked to and from the concert.
So I get to the El Mocambo and see Jay doing an interview (YAY!) as well as members from Moneen, Kenny and Hippy. It was damn hot, though, so I decide to walk across the street to the 7-Eleven (random observation: there's no 7-Elevens in Montreal... odd), and see seven shirtless dudes. This random dude comes up to me and asks me whether or not I think "they gay?" I was taken aback and asked him if he was serious. He went on to tell me that homosexuality was the reason that there were so many earthquakes and natural disasters happening in the world... "all da pretty girls, dey be like 'oh, we lesbiahhns. We no like men," which to me is soooo bloody offensive.
Anywhoodle, I get my slurpee (Coke! Yes... another random observation: they don't have soft-drink flavoured slurpees in Montreal... WEIRD!), and return. People start showing up and an hour later, I'm in!
Both floors at the Elmo were showcasing bands, but I had to choose: Up or Down. Moneen, Black Lungs and Bedouin were upstairs so I said bye to my dreams of seeing Sleepercar and Attack In Black... Oh well, there's always next year!
Anyway, so before long Songs From A Room came on. They were wicked awesome, and I really wanna see them again soon.
After they played a five-song set (they were all asked to play five songs which was lame but, hey, they had to fit five bands in the span of five hours... not very realistic), Casey Baker and The Buffalo Sinners came on. They were AMAAAAAZING! I thoroughly enjoyed them.
They played Daredevil, and I was happy.
Anyway, then... OH MY GOSH!! Moneen came on and it was INSANITY!! They were so effing pumped and the music was intense and the crowd was moshing and I got a massive bruise on my left thigh and a baby one on my right one. It was intense. This 19-year-old kid was trying to protect me the whole time, which was sweet, but c'mon! I'm short but I'm tough!!
Peter Krpan (their ex-drummer) was there and it was so sweet seeing him go crazy during their set. *sigh* I hate it when band members leave, although their new drummer was amazing, too!
The crowd was so crazy that they knocked Kenny's mike into his mouth mid-song. He laughed it off and kept on singing, though! It must have hurt like hell, though, but I'm pretty sure he was drunk already, hahaha!
So after they killed me, (hahaha!) Black Lungs came on. Wade Macneil seriously has the best voice ever. His Alexisonfire bandmate, Chris Steele played bass and ohmygosh, he is sooo good. He was really into the music and wow. I love it when musicians love what they're doing. It's major hotness.
They played "Happy Birthday" for Kenny because it was his birthday (hence why I'm sure he was drunk during Moneen's set) and 'twas lovely.
After Black Lungs, Bedouin came out...
... My gosh. I love them so much. They're unbelievable! They played nearly twice the amount of songs they were supposed to and I have to admit: their Toronto fans are insane (in the good way). I have never been so terrified/exhilerated in my life!
By the end of their set, I had a new set of bruises and my hair was wet (ew) ... I loved every minute of it.
While I'm probably not going to go to another show by myself, I loved this concert. It was definitely worth every second.
Too bad they're in EDMONTON (my hometown) in July... WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!?! I go East, they do shows out West.... Ah, Bedouin. I can't wait for your next Alberta stop!!