Montreal... Montreal... Montreal

Though I lost my journal in Montreal this last visit, I can't help but look back at our sojourn with happiness. What's there to frown at? 

Even the rain was inspiring in its incessant downpour. Even our trip to our nation's capital was memorable. My sister is brave; she is never worried about getting lost or stopping to ask for directions. I wish we had taken more family trips when I was younger, but looking back on my childhood, it was never possible. We were always busy with our own preoccupations. Even now I'm amazed that all of us (including my sister and her family in the US) are going to Guatemala for Christmas. 

In any case, here are a few memories from my trip to my future home...

It was an outdoor wedding and regrettably, it was not a good day for any sort of outdoor activity as it was raining all day. 

The wedding was held at a place called "Au Pied de la Colline" and the place was magical... despite the rain, the skies cleared just as Laura arrived. J-S (the cute groom) cried! It was the most tender moment I have ever witnessed and it reduced Ariane and I to tears, too! I guess as Laura's two roommates it was fitting that we were the only two guests crying during the ceremony, right?

Laura's momma and poppa made the cake! ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL??

Anyway, the wedding was on the Saturday and on Sunday, we went to Ottawa. Here are some of the sights we photographed.

And finally, our visit in the chillest, most wonderful city ever imagined. It was here that we celebrated my mom's birthday and that my family saw what I see in la belle province. It's like now, after eight months, they finally understand why I have a huge crush on this city.

Le sigh. I swear I'm not a mouth-breather. That second-to-last shot of me in front of McGill's music building might suggest otherwise, but I was in the middle of explaining our whereabouts to my sister and momma. Some people... I swear my sister's goal was to take horrible pictures of me... curse you, Pily!! Hahaha!

Sometime in the future I will be back in Montreal for good. I won't leave. I'll be there to stay and it will be glorious.


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