
My office-mate (who is mega-adorable and a TONNE O'FUN!) has this thing where she's addicted to sites, jumping from one site one week, to another the next. She'll spend a large portion of our break reading stuff she finds out loud. It's fun. She's gone through bouts of addiction to FML, TFLN, FailBlog, LameBook, LOLCats, LOLDogs and now, her current obsession is something I found on Mugglenet (don't judge), GivesMeHope (GMH).

Anyway, she's currently also obsessed with planning her trip to Oz... A trip that I will be joining her and her boyfriend for for a full month! Yep. I'm going to Australia and I cannot wait! Then again, I shouldn't hold my breath... I don't want a repeat of last year...


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