
Showing posts from March, 2011

Random confession

One of my absolute favourite things is reading reviews for other people's work. Reading how happy or inspired or awed someone feels after reading a particular work of literature fills me with happiness, inspiration and awe. There are so many naturally talented people out there and --- and oh, how I wish I were one of them.

ferme ta gueule

fuck my life.

It's the worst feeling in the world when you realize you're not as over someone as you thought you were. And maybe I'm not quite over him because he was my first, well... everything . Kiss... love... everything. It does suck, though, because he never felt an ounce of what I felt for him. I know he liked me, sure. I know he thought I was the--and I quote--"nicest girl in the world" and that I made him want to be a better person. But what he felt for me? Nowhere near what I felt for him. So, when I realized I was over him--that I'd somehow gotten him out of my system--I felt free and managed to feel actual butterflies swooping erratically in my belly for someone who's name wasn't... well, his . I started dreaming of someone new. That made me happy and I felt normal. What girl doesn't get over the first guy who breaks their heart, right? ( Masochists, clearly. But not normal girls. ) And I mean, it SUCKS that he--the second boy I loved--also bro...
She hasn't eaten a full meal in... god. She doesn't even know. All she does know is that her annoying friends keep leaving snacks in her locker and that her Health teacher has been eying her curiously all month long. So what , she screams in her head. I lost over ten pounds and all people can do is worry? This is going to help her feel better. This is going to boost her confidence better than anything else. This will guarantee her happiness. And as she measures out a quarter of milk and fists a few bits of cereal in her hand, she suddenly loses her appetite. It's not so much about how she looks in the morning, she tells herself, but the fact that she's learning discipline and sacrifice. If those around her don't realize that, then they're the ones with the problem.

Ever since I was a little girl, I can't stand seeing people get upset.

It's as though the person --- be they a friend, acquaintance or complete stranger --- who's upset or distraught is connected to me emotionally. And it makes sense. I'm beyond sensitive and my heart always breaks whenever I identify with someone's sadness. I just wish that suffering wasn't necessary. But then I remember that if we only felt happiness and joy, we wouldn't really appreciate or understand how beautiful those emotions are. It's cliched, I know, but it's something I don't think about often. Anyway, it's bedtime. Early day again tomorrow ;)

"Grab his penis."

OK. So I realized that I'm too old for the bar. When I went out with my friends for Dave's 26th birthday, I knew I wouldn't last long. And it's true. I got there at 9:00 and went home by 11:45 with a pounding headache. Granted, I've been working ridiculous hours at work (6:00 to 8:30 most days... kill me... please.), but at the same time, I was out with my friends . People who never fail to light my days with sunshine and make dull situations FUN. Anyway, our group played pool, drank beer (coffee for me) and the bar got progressively crowded. I started noticing that the dudes were cute, but young and was bemoaning the fact that I was tired when I should be up for some fun times at a bar, instead of craving the comfort of my bed. I mean I'm 25, not 50! So, after my ranting, I had to go pee, so I made my way to the bathroom, only to be stuck in a crowd of people on my way there. So, I'm pushing my way through, saying my "excuse mes" and "pardon ...

It starts as envy, then turns into fear.

A Quarter of a Life and What Do I Have to Show for It?

An understanding of three languages A degree A single published article A group of friends who make me feel complete A heart that's felt the wonder of love twice A heart that's felt the dull ache left after (two) heartbreak(s) A successful recovery from an eating disorder There's probably more to this list, but at the moment, I don't feel much like celebrating. I'm not, in any way, ready for my 25th birthday. I thought I would have a lot more to show for my 25 years of life than what I have now. Wow. I sound like the world's biggest brat, but it's the simple truth. And that's not to say that I don't appreciate all of the things I've been through and all of the wonderful things I've learned or obtained in my life. I'm thankful for every single blessing I have. But at the same time... at the same time... it's so easy to feel nothing . When will I grow up? And I mean really grow up... Not this bullshit that I call "maturing" w...

You know what really sucks?

That absolutely terrible moment when you find out that the boy you cared about so so very much is now dating a girl who's equally obsessed with the band you introduced HIM to. I know I shouldn't care... I don't own Bedouin, but the fact that she likes--nay, LOVES them makes my heart hurt. I curse you, facebook. You let me in on things I shouldn't care about.
Just found a bunch of emails from Tamara in which we listed why HP rules over Twilight. We didn't finish our list, but here are the reasons. Reading over these, I miss her even more.

Reasons Why Harry Potter Trumps Twilight - Part III

Hermione didn't need to jump off a cliff to get Ron's attention. The Yule Ball was a million times better than a lame high school prom. Butterbeer, Chocolate Frogs and even Hagrid's rock cakes sound more appetizing than deer, bear or mountain lion blood... *shutters* In Harry Potter, all wizards and witches have access to magic. In Twilight, only some vampires have magical abilities (mind-reading, psychic abilities, mind "blocking", fire/water/earth/wind control... you know, the usual) which APPARENTLY stem from some connection they had when they were human. What kind of human can control the elements?! Harry evolves throughout the whole series in a way that when he acts like a prat in Book V, readers are still inclined to show understanding. Bella remains a prat throughout the "saga." Speaking of "saga", "The Harry Potter Series" is not a pretentious title. "The Twilight Saga" is ridic and full of undeserving slef-flattery....

Reasons Why Harry Potter Trumps Twilight - Part II

Mrs. Weasley is a strong, proactive mother, while Esme is a weak, passive mother. Harry Potter readers did not have to be taken by the hand to understand the series' ending. Twilight readers, however, were given a play-by-play by Edward. Gee, thanks for thinking we're morons, SM! Fred and George Wesley: funny, loyal, brave redheaded twins ♥ Jane and Alec: sadistic pawns of the volturi... creepy. Quidditch v Baseball. Come on, Stephenie. Make up your own sport. Harry is not a possessive, creepy (albeit SCRUMPTIOUS!) stalker. Ginny Weasley can live without Harry. And does, for a good portion of the series. Harry Potter is getting its own theme park in Orlando, Fl. What kind of theme park could Twilight offer? "Here, stand in the rain in a dumpy town in Washington. Enjoy!" The villains in Harry Potter all have a backstory. The villains in Twilight are simply surly, bloodthirsty vampires. Yay, imagination... NOT. There are numerous modes of transportation in Harry Potter,...

Reasons Why Harry Potter Trumps Twilight - Part I

If you get a paper cut, a wizard will use "Episky" to heal it... a vampire will try to suck your blood. Harry Potter makes people happy. Twilight makes people insane; no one broke up with her boyfriend because he "wasn't her Harry." There is an entire wizarding world in the HP series, while Twilight has vampires hide in the human world... or hiding in caves... or hiding in Volterra... Lame. Wizards protect Muggles. Vampires eat, the muggles, I mean. It's much less frustrating following Harry Potter around, than Bella Swan. Speaking of Bella, Hermione Granger is a strong role model for young girls; she stands up for herself and her friends, and does not let the boys boss her around. Bella is... well, she's Bella. She's anti-feminist and is the poster girl for the worst abusive relationship in history. JK Rowling advocates good morals and values. Stephenie (that's really how it's spelled) Meyer hammers her readers over the head with h...