Reasons Why Harry Potter Trumps Twilight - Part I

  1. If you get a paper cut, a wizard will use "Episky" to heal it... a vampire will try to suck your blood.

  2. Harry Potter makes people happy. Twilight makes people insane; no one broke up with her boyfriend because he "wasn't her Harry."

  3. There is an entire wizarding world in the HP series, while Twilight has vampires hide in the human world... or hiding in caves... or hiding in Volterra... Lame.

  4. Wizards protect Muggles. Vampires eat, the muggles, I mean.

  5. It's much less frustrating following Harry Potter around, than Bella Swan.

  6. Speaking of Bella, Hermione Granger is a strong role model for young girls; she stands up for herself and her friends, and does not let the boys boss her around. Bella is... well, she's Bella. She's anti-feminist and is the poster girl for the worst abusive relationship in history.

  7. JK Rowling advocates good morals and values. Stephenie (that's really how it's spelled) Meyer hammers her readers over the head with hers.

  8. JK Rowling does not ONCE use the word "velvet" to describe someone's voice.

  9. Even from the grave, Harry's mom is much more influential and guiding than Bella's mom.

  10. Harry fights for his friends. Bella cowers behind hers.


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