When we were in high school, Nicole and I were pretty obsessed with a Canadian band called Swollen Members. Now, one would think, "How is it that these two angelic girls would like a band with such a salacious name?" And the answer is simple, really. Nicole and I were hooked on their hit "Fuel Injected". Like, we were pretty much rapping geniuses whenever we rocked out to the song.

And we were committed fans. Like, we went to autograph signings and begged our parents to let us stay out way past our curfews whenever they rolled through town (because Swollen Members concerts never end at a reasonable time. No, Nicole and I -- underage and virginal and innocent -- would stumble out of Red's at 4:00 AM or later on nights we'd go to a Swollen Members concert. And the reason for our stumbling? Second-hand weed inhalation. I kid you not. That shit was strong.)

Anyway, the last time Nicole and I went to a Swollen concert was back in 2004, but tonight we are going to see one half of the Members: PREVAIL.


That's right! Nicole and I are going to be heading out to the Mercury Room and we're going to be drooling, and pretty much acting like idiots the whole night.

Can't wait!

Anyway, here's an oldie, but a goodie, from the Members.

Fun fact! Did you know that Prevail dated Canadian sweetheart Nelly Furtado when they were teens?! He did! And did you know that Nelly Furtado was featured in a Swollen Members song back in the day? She was!

I owe it to Teenage!Marcela to be there!


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