Post-NaNo Blues?
Now that November has come to a close and that I'm not obligated to put fingers to keyboard and write, I'm in a weird mood. I wrote the 50 K so I am a winner, but I didn't finish my story. I had about seven scenes left to write, including the conclusion, and a handful of unfinished scenes to complete, but in my quest to attain 50 K words, the story fell by the wayside and I'm left with an unfinished tale. And now, a day after I reached 50,293 words, part of me feels compelled to visit Adia and Nate and Brendan and finish their story.
Tamara asked if I would finish my story, given that I want to keep writing. To be honest, as tempting as that idea is, I think I'm going to wait to finish it. NaNoWriMo makes the Wrimos (the name they use for anyone who participated) promise they'll revise their novel in the "Now What?" months, January and February. Waiting until then will be better because I'll be looking at my story with fresh eyes. I'm not entirely sure my story will ever see the light of day, but I at least want to finish it!
I did, however, come to a conclusion: If I can write 50 K words in a month, I can stand to write a short story a week. (I already made this promise back in 2014, but this time I know I can keep it.) No more excuses, people. Marcela is going to put in the time to be a more creative writer starting this week, December 1 to December 7.
I already have a few story ideas! I anticipate that my first short story will be up by week's end, so... come back if you wanna read what I wrote!
Tamara asked if I would finish my story, given that I want to keep writing. To be honest, as tempting as that idea is, I think I'm going to wait to finish it. NaNoWriMo makes the Wrimos (the name they use for anyone who participated) promise they'll revise their novel in the "Now What?" months, January and February. Waiting until then will be better because I'll be looking at my story with fresh eyes. I'm not entirely sure my story will ever see the light of day, but I at least want to finish it!
I did, however, come to a conclusion: If I can write 50 K words in a month, I can stand to write a short story a week. (I already made this promise back in 2014, but this time I know I can keep it.) No more excuses, people. Marcela is going to put in the time to be a more creative writer starting this week, December 1 to December 7.
I already have a few story ideas! I anticipate that my first short story will be up by week's end, so... come back if you wanna read what I wrote!