
Showing posts from April, 2008

Le Fin

I met with my creative writing prof, Scot Morison. He's amazing. One of those individuals that you are lucky to have in your life. He was mentored by Rudy Wiebe (RUDY WIEBE!!), is a documentary screenwriter and is quite possibly one of the best teachers I have ever had. He told me that my mechanics were solid (SOLID!) and that my best writing attribute was my vivid imagination. Overall, I left our meeting feeling like I CAN and WILL be published. Either in the near-future or sometime in the.... far-future...? hahaha! I can't believe I'm finished my degree. Wow. Only took me four bloody years! I'm so nervous/excited about my PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERNSHIP!! WTF?!?!!!!?!?! Yewp. I'm doing PR. In Montreal... For three months... I have to wear corporate attire... I am old. I will age five years this summer. I'm so stoked! I am going to submit two of my stories to Canadian literary rags this summer. It's decided. If I don't try, I'll never know...

I should be studying.

Instead, I am on facebook, blogger and myspace all at once. I love multitasking. At least I'm semi-done my html assignment. *whew!* Learning html puts websites into perspective. I'll never look a website the same way, again. So much work goes into design and usability. Really, it's hard stuff. Juno comes out on DVD today!! WOOT! I should race out and buy it... but alas, I must study. *yawn* I have to keep reminding myself: only two more tests and one assignment... then I'm HOME FREE!! For now, here's a random interview with Bedouin.... hahaha!! "I actually just shaved my rat beard..." Oh. My.

DJ Eon

I only just realised that I didn't blog about Eon's night as DJ! How could that happen, you might ask?? Well, easy: I'm busy with final assignments and exams and am presently looking for a place to stay while I work in Montreal this summer. That's not to say that last Saturday night wasn't amazing, because it was! Eon was the best dj I have seen spin!  The songs he played were varied (ranging from be-bop to old school rap to reggae). I think he might have gotten some rock in there, too, but what with the alcohol and dancing and chatting with the Saint Alvia guys, I really don't remember it. All I know is that Nicole didn't complain about his music selection (which she usually does when there's a dj involved), and everyone was gettin' down! It was pretty chill at Republik. We got there at 10:30 (we knew it was going to be busy because The Most Serene Republic was playing before Eon). We were all EXHAUSTED! but still managed to enjoy the preceding act...

The List

This list is a compilation of the things I want to accomplish before my (and maybe Nicole's) big move to Guatemala. Decide what Graduate school I want to attend... (Queens, UWO, U of T...?) Get three (if lucky!) articles or short stories published...!! (I only have two articles published, so I need to pad my portfolio). Start working on my novel (idea down... x  number of words to go....) Get my citizenship card back... *grumble* Get my degree! (huzza!!) Live on my own. Get more work experience (not just as a theatre slave....) Get a part-time job working with VUE or SEE Weekly. Talk to my Aunt's CNN correspondent friend... Maybe he'll hire me (!) hahaha! Plan out my/our travel map (Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala are definite destinations but... where else??) It's going to be great living in Guatemala again. Nicole has been saying that she wants to go with me, but only time will tell how serious she is about this. I mean, let's be pe...


School's almost out.... Just two more assignments and two more exams. After that, I'm home-free!  NO MORE SCHOOL.  Well, at least until I go to grad school *rolls eyes* But really, I'm so uber-pumped! WOOT! Although... I still don't have a place to live in Montreal OR a job for the September to December semester. Walrus already hired their interns and I can't find any job postings for the other mags in Canada. Ah well, such is life. 

Concert-Palooza! huzza!

This past weekend was the best weekend of my young life. Reason? Ummmm... MUSIC , son. On Thursday, I went to Cowtown with my bestie and two of the most chill girls in the world. Reason? The inaugural JUNO concert that was going down in Calgary, that's why! Two of my most favourite bands in the whole stinkin' world and my friends??? What's not to like, right?? So anywhoodle, on Thursday it was Fabiana's birthday (and also the day our faves Bedouin Soundclash and Sloan played). So we left at noon in order to get into Cowtown at around 3:00. We get to my aunt's and leave our junk at her casa. It's all good. I look at the clock and realise that it's 3:45 and we should probably get to Olympic Oval before 5:00. We leave, take the C-Train to downtown, get to the venue and watch Calgary's The Dudes who are followed by the New Odds, which we missed because Char and I were FAMISHED and it took the concession people 45 minutes to serve us.... Oh dear. Then.....