Three days of mourning

Yesterday was day one.

Today is day two.

Tomorrow: day three.

After these three days of mourning, I will not be sad about being home. Being home is a blessing really. I missed my parents SO much. My bed is my own. My kickass radio and TV setup is still kickass.
Still, Montréal me manque. Beaucoup.

That is why I have come up with a "List of Awesome Things to Come!!"
- Sex & the City with my sheilas! (Finalement!)
- Oasis (with Matt Costa!)
- Job-hunting!
- Money saving! (Yaya! No more rent for me!)
- Saint Alvia Cartel (on Against Me!'s tour)
- Bedouin Soundclash (with Hey Ocean!)
- random adventures with MY FRIENDS

I know Montréal is incomparable and that my internal mourning will last longer than three days, but I will be happy to be home. 



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