2009 - Year of the Many Trips!...

... maybe.

Today is my nephew's sixth birthday. He was so excited--opening presents, barging into the guest room that I'm occupying, to show them off. I took great pleasure in seeing his excited face. Why can't I feel that exhilaration whenever it's my birthday...?

I miss the anticipation I used to feel for my birthday (and the one I once felt on the first day of school). New years made me excited... But now I'm full of dread over what this year will bring. I'm done school (...yay?), and I'm BROKE. Broke, educated and young. 

Because of my youth (though I really DON'T feel young at all... I'm turning 23 in less than two months... *BARF*), I know that this year should be focused on growing up. I am way too immature for my own good--too shy, too stubborn, too prideful--and I know that with maturity, these not so stellar qualities will diminish (at least that's what I'm hoping).

Therefore, I have decided that the best way to grow up is to go on as many trips as I can this year!! I'm planning on going to Guatemala, Europe (mainly the UK and France), Australia and Brazil. I don't know where I'm going to first (though I'm thinking of starting with Australia and ending in Guatemala).

Problem is, I want to move to Montreal. 
But my desire for freedom is conflicting with my desire to see the rest of the world.

I'm sure I'll come to a decision soon enough.


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