An Ode to MeleM

I'm extremely blessed when it comes to friendship because, though I am shy, I am friendly and my friendliness has helped me bond with a varied group of ladies. Some of whom I've known for most of my life, others whom I've only known for a few short years. 

Nevertheless, all of my friends are special to me and I am lucky for every single one of them.

My best friend Melissa is going to Sheridan Institute this fall and I'm beyond proud of her. Melissa is a loyal friend and her cynical attitude, though un peu too much at times, definitely helps me laugh a lot more at myself.

She's also super-interested in animation and, since I'm the biggest Disney fan in all of Edmonton (haha!), I go to every single kiddie movie with her. She's amazing that way. So grown up and ambitious, but able to fool around and get excited when discussing Sailor Moon (Fighting evil by moonlight... winning love by daylight...)

Did I mention that she's an unbelievable artist? She's so talented that I want to draw! She's the kind of person who makes me wish I was talented enough to doodle a masterpiece... and the nice thing is, she's humble. She never goes off about how wonderful her drawings are, instead she is constantly nit-picking everything she creates (and not because she's fishing for compliments, but rather because she's a humble person who recognizes her faults. A quality I am YET to master...)

I'm going to miss Mels. I'll miss her wit, her sarcasm, how she lets me be a Polyanna (and loves me for it!)... Hell. I'll miss her. Period.


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