Yet ANOTHER Reason to Love the Soundclash

Jay apologized for his naughty behaviour at the Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival. Personally. Through a letter. awwwwwwww! Jay!

He wrote to the organizers and even got in touch with someone who was injured when he (stupidly) threw a bottle into the audience. Bad, Jay!

Though I also thought he acted very immaturely stupidly, I always find that people are too quick to judge. That's why I liked one of the comments on this article. The author of this comment acknowledges that while what Jay did was a no-no, that she wondered whether "the audience members who threw bottles,etc at the performers would be willing to acknowledge their errors in judgement[.] Easy to critique someone in the spotlight..harder to shine a spotlight on yourself. [sic]"

You tell 'em Theresa04!

Ugh. I miss their music... so much. Okay... maybe not just their music, but their former-drummer, too. Hey! Can you BLAME me? Look at him! I think this is the best Pat picture I took. le sigh.


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