Story A Day Challenge... So it begins.

I've written my first short story for my 2014 challenge. You can read it here.

And I'm writing this, basically, to express the discomfort I feel for having written it.

Most of what I write is at least partially based on events that happened to me; I'm not used to writing things from someone else's perspective. I've done it in the past, sure (several times on this blog, even!), but I'm more at ease when I'm writing about things that have actually -- physically and truly -- happened to me. So it was weird when I started about a dude who was literally dumped the day before his wedding. And it's not that I take issue with the subject matter, but it all felt so



All that to say, I'm really happy that I'm challenging myself this year. I can only hope that with time, I'll feel more inspired and less... well, phony when I'm writing about things outside of my perspective.


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