The List

This list is a compilation of the things I want to accomplish before my (and maybe Nicole's) big move to Guatemala.
  1. Decide what Graduate school I want to attend... (Queens, UWO, U of T...?)
  2. Get three (if lucky!) articles or short stories published...!! (I only have two articles published, so I need to pad my portfolio).
  3. Start working on my novel (idea down... x number of words to go....)
  4. Get my citizenship card back... *grumble*
  5. Get my degree! (huzza!!)
  6. Live on my own.
  7. Get more work experience (not just as a theatre slave....)
  8. Get a part-time job working with VUE or SEE Weekly.
  9. Talk to my Aunt's CNN correspondent friend... Maybe he'll hire me (!) hahaha!
  10. Plan out my/our travel map (Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala are definite destinations but... where else??)
It's going to be great living in Guatemala again. Nicole has been saying that she wants to go with me, but only time will tell how serious she is about this. I mean, let's be perfectly honest, Guatemala isn't  known for being the safest part in Latin America... Then again, is any part of Latin America known for its safety?? Yeah... 

We'll be safe there, though (my entire family lives there) and she could easily get a job working with my cousins at their store. *Sigh* I'm so nervous and excited about the next two years. It's going to be a terrific time! 

Jenn and Dave are supposed to get married next year, too. ACK! So exciting!! When we come back from Latin America, I'll probably be making my move to Toronto... Why is it that Alberta is so art-phobic? I mean, they've gotten better, but they aren't quite there yet. There aren't that many literary magazines published in Petrocapital, nor does much money go towards the arts. 

I think that'll change in a few years. Why wouldn't it, right?

Anyway, in the spirit of my impatience... here is the video for Saint Alvia's "Don't Wanna Wait Forever".



Trish said…
Living in Guatemala... how exciting!

Thanks for dropping by my site. I'm hoping to have Bedouin play at my launch party next year!
Mars said…
I'm hoping that it will be an exciting time... haha!

Anytime. I'm always interested in what authors have to say about the business, and from your blog, I'm only reading positive things! Makes this writer's heart glad. : )

Say what??? Bedouin play your launch party...?? LUCKY! ... Can I come...? Haha!

Not kidding. :)

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