
Showing posts from April, 2010


I really want a remote control to fast-forward through so many things. I really just need to know that I will achieve what I want in life. Amazing what Tamara's upcoming departure does to my emotions. :P


My friend Kayley is amazing. She is my go-to music girl because the girl has great taste in music, sends me concert information from shows in Edmonton and sends me new tunes. Yay, Kayls! Well, she has a youtube channel where she posts new Glee songs and she recently posted the videos for The Power of Madonna (which is next week's episode). Anyway, Glee has mashed up Borderline and Open Your Heart. *insert fangirl squeal here* I love it! I literally grew up on Madonna and Borderline, OYH and Crazy for You were on constant replay. Tuesday can't come soon enough!

I Annoy Me

My friend Melissa will be home soon. It's weird, but I'm starting to get cold feet about all of the trips I'm taking this summer. First Australia. Then the UK. I'm getting hyper-cold feet. I don't know how broke I'll be when I come back or if I won't get sick of Tams or Melissa/Elizabeth. Ugh. Me... Funny how often I'm annoyed with myself.


I'm currently "working on" a script. I've written a script in the past, but this one is... difficult. I don't know why, but my thoughts aren't coming out the way I want them to and my characters are boring me. I may have to scrap the whole thing altogether. Lame? Yes. Very. Ah, well. These things happen. Especially when you're not very motivated. hehe.