
Showing posts from April, 2009

You know when you learn a really tough lesson...

And all you can think is "why'd I have to learn it the hard way? Why couldn't some one tell me that this was going to happen...?" I have come to realize that I probably wouldn't appreciate what I learn in life without the bitter aftertaste. This isn't to say that I still don't wish that there was a redo button--a button that I could push whenever I made the wrong choice, the button I would use and abuse whenever life got a little out of hand... the button I would turn to whenever I make a fool of myself in front of the really cute boy, or made the bad choice of speaking before thinking... In short, the life-saving button that would make life lessons unnecessary. Le sigh. But still. I wouldn't trade my hard-earned life lessons for all of the redo buttons in the world.

love, love, love

What do you know?! *sigh* I found this nugget on my quest for information on Bedouin... It seems that their Bad Brains mash-up is FINALLY going to be released. Oh how I miss my Bedouin Soundclash. Oh how I wish I was going to the No Doubt concert in July! Ah well...

Sombra de ti

Voy a dejar que mi guitarra diga todo lo que yo no sé decir por mí o quizás deba esperar a que el insulto del reloj acabe de planear mi fin duelen tanto las sonrisas cuesta un mundo respirar es que no tenerte aquí ya me hace mal coro: me sigue rodeando la sombra de ti y siguen rodando por ahí todas las palabras que dijimos y los besos que nos dimos como siempre hoy estoy pensando en ti debes saber que hay pedazos de tu boca sin querer regados por aquí y que tropiezo cada día sin pensar con un viejo recuerdo más y alguna nueva historia gris si no puedo estar contigo ya no puedo estar sin ti cada vez se hace más duro ser feliz coro Me sorprende que todavia me recuerdo de él no importe lo que haga. Es cierto que cuesta un mundo respirar. Cuando me olvidare de ti? If only I had an off-switch...

Ah, my youth...

This was my FAVOURITE band growing up... Hahah! I'm so happy my musical tastes have changed but I must admit: I still feel the same jubilance I felt at age fourteen whenever I listen to this song. My friend Nicole and I never missed a concert or autograph signing... we loved Swollen Members like no one else. They played the Pawn Shop two weeks ago and it was the first Swollen show we missed. A small part of me wonders what it would have been like to be in the crowd. This blog post goes out to the Swollen Members... One of the few rap groups I ever liked.  What brings on this surge of wistfulness? My friend Brendan wrote to tell me that he bumped into MadChild at the Vancouver airport---he is now (quote) "old, fat, wears two watches and has all-Gucci luggage."  Ah, my youth...