
Showing posts from May, 2012

Memo to Marcela:

You need to stop overanalyzing stuff. The world does not revolve around you and you should, therefore, stop obsessing over every little thing people say in your vicinity.

Delusional Marcela Is Insecure

See Marcela. See Marcela jump to crazy conclusions. See Marcela overanalyze words exchanged. See Marcela lose sleep. See Marcela feel embarrassed. See Marcela want to kick herself. See Marcela start over again.


Trusting that things are going to work out -- having faith in your abilities (or others' abilities) to get where you want to be -- is hard. We're not inherently trusting creatures. It's in our nature to question and doubt and fear. It's what's helped shape us as people. But when you can open your arms and jump off that cliff? When you trust that everything will work out in the end? Well then that jump is the best thing you can do for yourself. And besides... even if you don't land in calm waters, things will be all right as long as you know how to swim.
Having a crush on someone is about as useful as drinking ten glasses of water when you're not thirsty. Really. I do not need this in my life right now.


Not psychic. Just really good at making assumptions and jumping to conclusions.

Attention, World:

I am psychic.

That annoying moment when your celebrity crush morphs into your current real-life crush.


Shopping List





I might have to cancel my trip to Montreal next month. And it's balls and I'm a little angry and just totally heartbroken. Thing is, Nix might not have enough money to join me in the M-Dot to see Foster the People and the Tokyo Police Club in June. I'm trying really hard to be a good friend, but I'm so upset that I might have to cancel my trip that I'm just feeling heartsick. Woe is me. WOE. WOE. //enddramaticflailing