Three years 'til I turn THIRTY

And the countdown begins...

Although, I will say, Janis was thoughtful enough to remind me that I'm technically 28 years-old today. Not 27.

My friends are so thoughtful haha!

But in all honesty, this was probably the best birthday I've had to date. I had the chance to celebrate with those I love and I was able to go to a movie, indulge in delicious vegan food, spend time with my friends, welcome my mom home after an extended vacation, and see Tegan and Sara in concert.

Really. It's been an epic celebration.

Sad to say that the only pictures I managed to take were of the five of us at Hawrelak yesterday. *WHOMP-WHOMP*

Aren't my friends pretty, though?

I really feel blessed today. I really feel happy. And, who knows? Maybe year 27 in my life will lead to more happiness? After seeing my friends with their boyfriends/hubbies/fiancés, I realized that I want that. That out of all the amazing, wonderful and admittedly great things in my life, the only thing that's missing is my someone. And while I'm not keen on the idea of actively searching out for romance, I can't help but feel as though it's just around the corner. I might be setting myself up for disappointment, but I can't help the happy, sated feeling I have. 

Happy birthday to me!


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