Tsk, tsk, tsk...

Poor Noel... :( I'm slightly ashamed of the fact that this happened in Canada... dangit. Ah well. Idiots are live and well all over the world--no matter where you live. 

So I'm leaving in two days. I have a bed, I have a job, I have plans to see my friends from the Museum. It will be shveeeeet. I'm pumped! Slightly nervous but incredibly stoked!!

My momma is sad. I can tell. She came into my room this morning to give me a hug. Am I being a disloyal daughter...? I know I'm going to miss my parents (and they me) but I know they are aware of the amazing opportunity that has been given me. Still, I can't help but feel like I should stay.

Anyway, this weekend has been great! I saw the Saint Alvia on Friday (along with Japanther and Against Me!) and as usual, they were sweet and wonderful and made us realize how amazing Canadian music is. Really, they are phenomenal! Pictures will be posted oh so soon...


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