She wants the kind of guy who will be totally, unabashedly honest with her. The kind who acknowledges that what he's about to say will cause her some grief or pain, but will forge ahead anyway because he knows that honesty is the cornerstone for any relationship; honesty leads to trust, which leads to loyalty, which leads to happiness, which leads to love.
She wants the kind of guy who will want to take her out, but will understand if she'd rather stay in, read a book, watch a movie, or simply talk. She wants the kind of guy who understands that relationships are about compromise and give and take, but won't expect to take take take from her without giving a little back. He won't be the kind of guy who forces her to do anything without her consent, and that includes picking the movie every damn time.
She wants the kind of guy who wants to share her interests. The kind who will call her the moment her favourite band is in town; the kind who will learn more about music history and traveling; the kind who will brush up on his political expertise so he can engage in heated debates on important social issues. He'll understand that her interests are an important part of the DNA that makes up her personality and will, in turn, share his interests with as much fervour, so she can understand the intricacies behind his idiosyncrasies.
She wants the kind of guy who shows passion. The kind who will blush crimson like strawberries when he bares his soul to her for the first time; the kind who defends his beliefs with determination and tenacity; the kind who is fiercely loyal to his sports team, his family, his friends, his love. Passion bleeds red and sears her soul. The kind of guy she wants will understand this.
She wants the kind of guy who kisses slowly and deeply. The kind who moves to the beat of his own heartbeat; the kind who can paint landscapes with his words; the kind whose cooking is like music in her mouth; the kind who knows that to love is to understand and to understand is to empathize.
She wants the kind of guy who is mature and sensible, so that her immature tendencies don't always get the best of them. She wants the kind of guy who won't give up when she's confused and afraid to let herself fall or will --- at the very least --- provide a parachute, so falling isn't as scary as she feared. She wants the kind of guy who is a man. Full grown. Full beard. Confident. Content.
She wants the kind of guy who will want to take her out, but will understand if she'd rather stay in, read a book, watch a movie, or simply talk. She wants the kind of guy who understands that relationships are about compromise and give and take, but won't expect to take take take from her without giving a little back. He won't be the kind of guy who forces her to do anything without her consent, and that includes picking the movie every damn time.
She wants the kind of guy who wants to share her interests. The kind who will call her the moment her favourite band is in town; the kind who will learn more about music history and traveling; the kind who will brush up on his political expertise so he can engage in heated debates on important social issues. He'll understand that her interests are an important part of the DNA that makes up her personality and will, in turn, share his interests with as much fervour, so she can understand the intricacies behind his idiosyncrasies.
She wants the kind of guy who shows passion. The kind who will blush crimson like strawberries when he bares his soul to her for the first time; the kind who defends his beliefs with determination and tenacity; the kind who is fiercely loyal to his sports team, his family, his friends, his love. Passion bleeds red and sears her soul. The kind of guy she wants will understand this.
She wants the kind of guy who kisses slowly and deeply. The kind who moves to the beat of his own heartbeat; the kind who can paint landscapes with his words; the kind whose cooking is like music in her mouth; the kind who knows that to love is to understand and to understand is to empathize.
She wants the kind of guy who is mature and sensible, so that her immature tendencies don't always get the best of them. She wants the kind of guy who won't give up when she's confused and afraid to let herself fall or will --- at the very least --- provide a parachute, so falling isn't as scary as she feared. She wants the kind of guy who is a man. Full grown. Full beard. Confident. Content.