My last year in my twenties has *officially* started today!

And, it's off to a really happy and loved-up start!

The following is a list of lovely, loving, wonderful things that happened today:
1) Woke up to:
        -my parents singing happy birthday to me ('cause they're sweethearts) and
        -a few texts from some of my night owl friends.
2) My older sister called while I was getting ready for work.
3) My father's brothers phoned me on my way to work.
4) Happy birthday tweet from Tracey!
5) Morning text from Janny!
6) Morning text from Nix!
7) Morning text from Nic!
8) Morning text from Clea!
9) Morning text from Anna!
10) Morning text from Zee, which included:
        -us making plans to go for Bday drinks next week! 
11) Morning text (and song!) from Elizabeth!
12) Morning text from Tasha!
13) Morning text from Ross!
14) Birthday phone call from Ivan!
15) Birthday email from Aaron at work (he even found a cake online that has my name on it!!)
16) Birthday card from Lorette (featuring her beautiful baby boy!).
17) Birthday wish from Jody!
        -Amy Farrah Fowler bobble head!
        -Listography journal for writing lists on my favourite books!
        -Notepad that's small enough to fit in my smaller handbags! 
19) Most of the office went for lunch at Acajutla, which means I got to nom on pupusas!
20) My parents bought me cake and pizza!
21) My niece, nephew, and brother-in-law called to wish me a happy day!
22) So many lovely Facebook messages!


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